Publications & Posters

Blood Biomarkers in Frontotemporal Dementia: Review and Meta-Analysis

Brain Sciences | February 15, 2021

Ntymenou S, Tsantzali I, Kalamatianos T, Voumvourakis KI, Kapaki E, Tsivgoulis G, Stranjalis G and Paraskevas GP

Brain Sci. 2021, 11(2), 244



Biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are useful in the differential diagnosis between frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and Alzheimer’s dementia (AD), but require lumbar puncture, which is a moderately invasive procedure that can cause anxiety to patients. Gradually, the measurement of blood biomarkers has been attracting great interest. Testing blood instead of CSF, in order to measure biomarkers, offers numerous advantages because it negates the need for lumbar puncture, it is widely available, and can be repeated, allowing the prediction of disease course. In this study, a systematic review of the existing literature was conducted, as well as meta-analysis with greater emphasis on the most studied biomarkers, p-tau and progranulin. The goal was to give prominence to evidence regarding the use of plasma biomarkers in clinical practice.