Publications & Posters

Neurofilament Light For Measuring The Treatment Efficacy In Clinical Practice: Are We There Yet?


Novakova L.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2019 Oct 13. pii: jnnp-2019-321615.

 doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2019-321615

Phase 4 open-label study on dimethyl fumarate in MS investigating the dynamics of blood neurofilament as treatment response biomarker

Neurofilament light (NFL) is a cytoskeleton protein of myelinated axons and is one of the most studied biomarkers of disease activity and treatment response in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), and the most promising biomarkers for the use in MS standard care. NFL levels increase in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood after axonal injury in MS and other neurological disorders, and the increase is proportional to the damage.1 The single molecule array (SIMOA) technology used to analyse NFL in the study by Sejbaek et al2 is able to detect NFL at ultralow levels in the blood. This allows measuring NFL easily and regularly. The evidence for NFL as a disease activity and treatment response …

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